Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time Saving techiniques for managers

Dealing With The Interruptions
You need to evaluate what the interruption represents as the demand on the time and how to deal with the non-urgent interruptions in the polite but an effective way.

Knowing When to Delegate
You should overcome a reluctance to the delegate, and also decide which tasks are most suitable for the delegation.

Delegating Effectively
Consider the practical aspects of delegating work, the importance of providing the ongoing support and the feedback, and a need to evaluate a outcome and apply the lessons learned when delegating the work in future.

Managing The Incoming Calls
Learn to screen the incoming calls when you do not want to be disturbed, and a various tactics for keeping the incoming telephone calls as short as possible.

Managing The Outbound Calls
Use outgoing call log to help the plan and structure the calls, and maintain efficient time management approach for making the outgoing calls.

Organizing The Workspace
Learn to deal with the incoming paperwork in the efficient way, and identify the manual and the electronic filing systems which meet the needs of a way you do work.

Communicating Effectively
Consider the various time saving techniques which you can use to improve the efficiency with regard to the written communications. This includes: speed-reading, the business letters and the email.

Time Management principles

Time Management Principles

Time management explains the attributes which are needed for the effective time management, and also the benefits of beginning with the limited range of the tactics, before extending these into the overall time management strategy.

Identifying a Time Loss

You should realize the importance of carrying out the objective review of how do you currently spend the time and identifying what proportion of the time is spent in the areas which are not essential for achieving the goals.

Urgency and the Importance
You need to use urgency/importance grid to classify the tasks which you currently perform, and how to optimize an amount of the time which you do spend on each of the type of task.

The Effective Decision Making
It describes the various techniques which can contribute to the more effective decision making.

Setting the Goals
This will discuss adopting a proactive approach in order to anticipate the events and be in the position to identify and define the goals clearly.

Defining the Objectives
you need to learn how to analyze the goals to define the series of objectives and need to rank the objectives in order to identify means and actions which are needed to achieve them.

Time Management

Time management includes a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompass a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities also. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools and techniques.

Stephen R. Covey offered a categorization scheme for the hundreds of time management approaches that he reviewed

* First generation: reminders based on clocks and watches, but with computer implementation possible can be used to alert of the time when a task is to be done.
* Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books includes setting goals.
* Third generation: planning, prioritizing, controlling (using a personal organizer, other paper-based objects, or computer or PDA-based systems activities on a daily basis. This approach implies spending some time in clarifying values and priorities.
* Fourth generation: being efficient and proactive using any of the above tools places goals and roles as the controlling element of the system and favors importance over urgency.

Some of the recent general arguments related to "time" and "management" point out that the term "time management" is misleading and that the concept should actually imply that it is "the management of our own activities, to make sure that they are accomplished within the available or allocated time, which is an unmanageable continuous resource".

Time management literature paraphrased: "Get Organized" - paperwork and task triage "Protect Your Time" - insulate, isolate, delegate "set gravitational goals" - that attract actions automatically "Achieve through Goal management Goal Focus" - motivational emphasis

* "Work in Priority Order" - set goals and prioritize
* "Use Magical Tools to Get More Out of Your Time" - depends on when written
* "Master the Skills of Time Management"
* "Go with the Flow" - natural rhythms, Eastern philosophy
* "Recover from Bad Time Habits" - recovery from underlying psychological problems, e.g. procrastination

Time Management

Our life revolves around the passing of the time. Wasting time is like wasting the part of our life. Time is the most precious commodity; it cannot be paused, bought, or can be changed,

We can, however, learn to use it in a better way. Time is amongst the scarcest resources and unlike the money or the energy, is irreplaceable. By learning the effective time management, managers can learn to take control over their lives.

Taking the control over life involves taking control over time by planning. Planning will take time itself, but the initial time investment frees a much more time later on. Like most other things, effective planning is the skill which starts off being difficult, but soon will become a habit.

Balancing the Work and Family

Successful people are very clear about what is important for them. They know how to set the priorities and concentrate on doing things that will give them greatest satisfaction and happiness in the life.

Following tips will help you manage your time more effectively;

  • Why the relationships are so important.

  • Practice the moderation in all the things.

  • Balance the work and family life.

  • Recognize when your life will come out of balance